Identifying the first signs of Dementia

The thought of you or a loved one developing dementia can be scary, but acknowledging the signs and taking steps towards an early diagnosis can change everything – the sooner you know, the more you can do.

Here are three common signs of early dementia to look out for:

Memory loss

Often the most noticeable symptom in the early stages of dementia is short-term memory loss. This typically involves forgetting recent events, appointments or important information. Unlike occasional forgetfulness, people experiencing dementia can’t remember what they should be doing, or what they’ve just done.

Major or sudden changes in memory are not normal at any age. If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties, please see a doctor.

Difficulty with planning and problem-solving

Decreased ability to solve problems, execute tasks and plan ahead is another important early symptom of dementia. Things to look out for include difficulty making decisions, taking a long time to solve problems that once would have been quickly and easily solved, less ability to adapt when things change, and difficulty following logical sequences like recipes or directions.

Changes in language and communication

Changes in communication and language can be another early sign of dementia, for example, difficulty finding the right word to use in conversations and using a related word in place of the one they can’t remember. Other signs include difficulty understanding what is being said or being able to only grasp part of the conversation.

If you have any concerns about changes in memory, thinking or communication – in yourself or a family member or friend – the Dementia Australia checklist is a great place to find out more. Early diagnosis can make a huge difference and it’s important to remember that there is support and information available to help you. 

More information and additional resources are available on the Dementia Australia website: You can read about The Forrest Centre’s approach to dementia care here:

Helen Supple