Visiting guidelines from 21 October 2021.



From 11 October 2021 residents are permitted to have two visitors per day provided:

·         they are aged 12 years and over and

·         have received a second dose of a COVID vaccination at least 14 days prior to their visit. Proof of vaccination must be provided to facility staff on request.

Under these restrictions all facilities must:

  • ensure that all essential care visitors wear a surgical mask.

  • ensure all essential visits must be in the resident's room or an outdoor area.

Visitors must not enter an RACF at all if they:

·         have been to any close or casual locations in NSW OR Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, Tasmania OR New Zealand in the last 14 days;

·         have COVID-19 symptoms

·         are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and are within their isolation period.

·         live in a household with a person who is currently isolating.

·         are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.

For further details or exemptions please contact The Facility Manager or check the NSW Health Advice for Residential Aged Care Facilities.



·         Residents are permitted to leave the facility to attend family gatherings but must abide by the current Public Health (COVID-19 Additional Restrictions for Delta Outbreak) Order (No 2) 2021



·         By 31 October 2021 any health practitioner attending a residential aged care facility under arrangement by the resident must have at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccination.


Contractors working within this facility must follow the directions of facility staff. Full COVID vaccination and health screening is required if you are entering resident areas.  

Helen Supple