Would you like to win an iPad? Help us know more about attitudes to ageing?

As a valued member of the community, we would like to know your thoughts about aged care services in the Riverina.

We are currently running a survey in the community and will soon be conducting targeted focus groups to gain a greater understanding of the individual and collective attitudes towards ageing and aged care.

We invite you to participate. If you can spare 10-15 minutes to complete our survey about Decision making in aged care, simply follow this link. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NT953DS

For your time, you can also go into the draw to win an iPad.

With your help and the findings of this research, we hope to further our understanding of how we can develop our services, better communicate with people around these topics and improve our advocacy around aged care services for the individuals and families that are a part of it.

If you have any questions about the research we are undertaking or our services, please get in touch.

And if you would be interested in participating in our focus groups, please let us know by emailing: hsupple@forrestcentre.com.au

Together we care.

Kind regards,
Evan Robertson

Helen Supple