Memorial Tree at Mary Potter Nursing Home

Mary Potter Nursing Home has regularly held memorial services to remember those who have passed away whilst in our care.

This would normally give family and friends the opportunity to not only remember their loved one, but also to have an opportunity to catch up with staff and residents.

Due to the Covid Restrictions over the last 18 months, we have regrettably been unable to hold these services in the nursing home.

In lieu of these memorial services, this year, a memorial tree has been placed in the chapel at Mary Potter Nursing Home for the month of September.

The deceased names will be written on a leaf shaped note and then placed on a branch on the memorial tree, along with the names of departed family and friends of residents and staff.

MPNH Memorial Tree 1..jpg
MPNH Memorial Tree 4. Sept 2021.jpg
MPNH Memorial Tree 5. Sept 2021.jpg
Helen Supple