A Covid update from our CEO

As you are no doubt aware NSW has commenced a state-wide lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Further to this NSW Health have issued advice to residential aged care facilities limiting visits to persons conducting essential caring functions and end of life visits. Regrettably this will impact on families and loved ones wishing to visit residents at Loreto Home of Compassion and Mary Potter Nursing Home, incorporating The Forrest Centre Hospice.

The restrictions, which are in place from 15 August 2021 until 12:01am on 28 August 2021, require all residential aged care facilities to: · exclude all visitors, except those providing essential caring functions and end of life visits.

· ensure that all essential care visitors wear a surgical mask. For reasons when masks can be removed please see Additional Advice.

· ensure all essential visits must be in the resident's room.

As has been the case throughout the pandemic all visitors are required to sign-in and complete the health screening questions and temperature check. All visitors must also have received the 2021 Influenza vaccination and provided evidence of this to us.

If you have any questions regarding permitted visits we encourage you to contact the Facility Manager, or the in-charge Registered Nurse after hours, to check if you are permitted to visit. If you are unable to visit at this time I would like to remind you that our staff can help arrange telephone or video calls with residents in either nursing home.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your ongoing assistance and cooperation at this difficult time. Should you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact your Facility Manager or myself.


Evan Robertson

Helen Supple