Aged Care Employee Day is rapidly approaching

The Forrest Centre encourages our community to honour those who care for older Australian’s by saying “thanks for caring” ahead of Aged Care Employee Day on Saturday 7th August.

“We’re asking our community to take a moment and think about the quiet achievers and the superheroes who provide care with professionalism, compassion and dedication for our loved ones and give them the recognition they deserve” said Evan Robertson, Chief Executive Officer.

“It’s been a particularly challenging 18 months for aged care workers both in our nursing homes and our in-home care services leaving many family and friends unable to visit loved ones in care for weeks on end.”

“it often fell to the carers, the nurses and other staff to make up for the loss of family contact and become that crucial connection for frail and vulnerable older Australians”.

“So we ask you in the lead up to Saturday 7th August to take time to think of the nurses, the personal care workers, the chefs, cleaners, gardeners, laundry staff, the activities coordinators and administration staff when you next visit a loved one receiving aged care and say “thanks for caring”.

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Helen Supple