Survey to improve outcomes in aged care - your thoughts are appreciated

In 2017 Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) using a partnership and codesign approach, developed the Acute Care Decision Guidelines in Residential Aged Care along with a training program to enable in house training of staff in the use of the guidelines and to improve the communication processes between residential aged care and primary care services. MPHN has funded a review of the Acute Care Decision Guidelines and communication tools. Subsequent to the review, MPHN has also funded a revision of the Guidelines, communication tools and training package to ensure the resources are up to date, evidence based, and user-friendly.


COA and the Forest Centre are seeking people from across the aged care, health care and community care sectors to complete an important survey to inform the guideline and training revisions. The survey will take approximately 5-8 minutes to complete. You don’t already need to be aware of or using the guidelines to complete the survey. Here is the survey link: We would appreciate if you can also share the general survey link with your colleagues and peers. Completing a survey is typically the most accessible and time efficient option to participate in consultations, so we are keen to have the link shared as widely as possible. The survey is completely anonymous.


Helen Supple