Visiting Update 07 January 2021


Further advice has been received from NSW Health regarding visits the residential aged care facilities, including Mary Potter Nursing Home and Loreto Home of Compassion.

Until further notice all residential aged care facilities must:

  • ensure all staff and visitors wear a surgical mask within the facility

  • ensure residents have a maximum of only two visitors each day. They may have different visitors each day

  • exclude visitors from the Northern Area of the Northern Beaches, City of Wollongong, Cumberland City Council or the Canterbury Ward of Canterbury Bankstown Council

  • exclude staff and visitors who:

    • live in a household with a person who is currently self-isolating

    • have been to any of the latest COVID-19 locations in NSW at the times and dates listed, excluding the monitor for symptoms list

    • have a fever (37. 5°C or higher) or symptoms of COVID-19 (acute blocked nose congestion has been added to the list of symptoms)

    • are a close contact of a person with confirmed COVID-19 and are within their self-isolation period.

Until further notice all residential aged care facilities in Northern Area of the Northern BeachesCity of WollongongCumberland City Council or the Canterbury Ward of Canterbury Bankstown Council:

  • must exclude all visitors, except those performing essential caring functions

  • should avoid residents leaving the facility unless it is essential (for example, a medical appointment) or for exercise

  • should ensure that residents are provided with appropriate PPE and infection control advice if they need to leave the facility.

All visitors must wear a surgical mask while in a residential aged care facility and must sign in and record contact details when entering.

All visitors will still be subject to our wellness screening and must make an appointment for each visit.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Helen Supple